[Capdist-auditions] Broadway Camp RENT this summer at Proctors (fee required)

Grace Janiszewski gjaniszewski at proctors.org
Tue Apr 20 14:38:03 EDT 2021

This summer the School of the Performing Arts at Proctors will be offering the professional training program Broadway Camp, which will include the production of RENT School Edition on our MainStage. But that’s not all!  This program includes workshops, studio classes and ensemble building delivered by Broadway professionals for an intensive that trains students for careers in the arts as well as in life!

Please see the attached casting call. We will be accepting virtual submissions for all programs (acting company, production crew, musicians). More information on this program can be found at school.proctors.org<https://school.proctors.org/summer-camps/?doing_wp_cron=1617892738.7450640201568603515625> or below.

Acting Company<https://school.proctors.org/broadway-camp-acting-company/?doing_wp_cron=1617826150.3571081161499023437500>

Video Auditions Due: Friday, April 23 - THIS FRIDAY

In-person Callbacks: 9am-12pm, Saturday May 15

Dates: July 5–30 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | M–F

SUBMIT ACTOR AUDITION<https://school.proctors.org/broadway-camp-acting-auditions/?doing_wp_cron=1617826214.7545659542083740234375>

Production Crew<https://school.proctors.org/broadway-camp-production-crew/?doing_wp_cron=1617826150.6519660949707031250000>

Deadline for Application: Friday, May 21

Dates: July 12–14, 19–30 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | M–F

SUBMIT CREW APPLICATION<https://school.proctors.org/broadway-camp-production-application/?doing_wp_cron=1617826217.3383619785308837890625>


Video Auditions Due: Friday, May 21

Dates: July 26–31 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m.  (exact schedule TBD)

SUBMIT MUSICIAN AUDITION<https://school.proctors.org/broadway-camp-musicians-auditions/?doing_wp_cron=1617826297.8196101188659667968750>

*Broadway Camp will be following strict Covid-19 safety protocols.

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me! We look forward to having students grace our stage soon!

Stay up on the latest at School of the Performing Arts<https://www.facebook.com/ProctorsEducation/>, like our page!

Grace Janiszewski - Creative Workforce Director

School of the Performing Arts<http://school.proctors.org> at Proctors Collaborative

432 State Street Schenectady, NY 12305

518-382-3884 x 150

Proctors<http://proctors.org>| Capital Repertory Theatre<http://capitalrep.org>| Universal Preservation Hall<http://www.universalpreservationhall.org/>

Pronouns: she/her/hers
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