[Capdist-auditions] Fw: Introduction to Modern Dance Class Fee

Beth Jacobs bethrjacobs at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 27 15:53:04 EST 2021


   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Beth Jacobs <bethrjacobs at yahoo.com>To: capdist-audition at dx.ayw.org <capdist-audition at dx.ayw.org>Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 11:54:26 AM ESTSubject: Fw: Introduction to Modern Dance Class Fee

   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Beth Jacobs <bethrjacobs at yahoo.com>To: Cap District Announce <capdist-announce at dx.ayw.org>Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 11:53:15 AM ESTSubject: Introduction to Modern Dance Class Fee
Hello Every One;


a link to Schenectady County Community College Work Force DevelopmentCommunity Education.


In the fall I Beth Jacobs--the teacher master taught in Poughkeepsie NY:pointe, modern dance, classical ballet.


And from late fall through early winter I; nominated vettedand was the local producer for a video filmed about a Mazda North America Herowinner (she won $50,000 in cash and a car) I also teach) ballet. pointe andmodern dance at her outreach program.


I have master taught across the state and was a professionalmodern dancer and ballet dancer in cities across the country OK smaller companiesbut still I was of a level to rehearse with San Francisco Ballet.


You may reach out to me -Beth-at my land line (518)370-2712 nontext or email phone


Spring Personal Enrichment | SUNY Schenectady

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Spring Personal Enrichment | SUNY Schenectady

Spring non-credit courses for personal enrichment from the SUNY Schenectady Office of Workforce Development and ...




Intro to Modern Dance

Wednesdays, February 17 – April 21
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10760 
CFP 742-51 
Fee: $100
Instructor: Beth Jacobs

Weekly class will move from stretching thru a blended style incorporating elements of: classical ballet, classical modern dance (Horton, Lemon, Graham…) with a healthy dose of post-modern dance (generally a mix of theater and dance) and jazz; think earth bound ballet with some leaps and some moves lying on the ground. Please wear stretchy clothing, have long hair pulled up in a pony tail and be prepared to dance in socks or bare foot.

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