[Capdist-auditions] Open auditions for July production of PIPELINE by Dominique Morrisseau

brian at slca-ctp.org brian at slca-ctp.org
Thu May 6 10:55:52 EDT 2021

Open Audition Announcement 

Circle Theater Players is proud to announce open auditions for the upcoming
production of Pipeline by Dominique Morisseau. 
After an extraordinarily successful Zoom reading, CTP has decided this story
is too important not to tell again for a larger audience. 

Production Dates
July 23,24,30,31: 8pm
July 25 and August 1: 2:30pm

Production director: Siobhan Shea
Available roles:

Xavier: Black Man, mid-late thirties. Single Father, struggling to connect
to his own son. Marketing Executive. Wounded relationship with his ex-wife. 

Laurie: White Woman, fifties. Pistol of a woman. Teaches public high school.
Doesn't bite her tongue.

Dun: A person of color, early-mid thirties. Public high school security
guard. Fit and optimistic. Charismatic. Genuine and thoughtful.

PLEASE NOTE: the roles of NYA, OMARI, and JASMINE have been cast.

The audition will consist of cold readings from the script.

Audition dates: Monday May 17th 7-10pm

  Tuesday May 18th 7-10pm

(These are open auditions however, COVID-19 precautions will be in place.
Masks inside the building are mandatory and social distancing will be in
effect. Everyone entering will sign in and temperatures will be taken. 
Thank you for your understanding.)


Questions can be brought to the attention of production director Siobhan
Shea by email at  <mailto:shea.shibhant at gmail.com> shea.shibhant at gmail.com 


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