[Capdist-auditions] Please post

Margot Phillips margotmail at aol.com
Wed Mar 9 18:19:21 EST 2022

Capital Pride Singers is inviting all voices tojoin us as we start a new season. We are a unique mixed-voice chorus where allmembers of the LGBTQIA+Allied communities are welcome to sing.  We have an outstanding director and a skilledaccompanist for rehearsals and concerts. Our first rehearsal will be held on Monday, March 21, at FirstCongregational Church, 405 Quail St., Albany from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.  Rehearsals are every Monday at the same timeand place.Nothingcan keep us from singing, and now more than ever representation for all voicesis important. We look forward to the future and making music with old and newfaces, so please join us.  Rehearsals areopen and dues of $75 will be required for those who decide to join for theentire season. We will be hosting an Open Houseon April 11 for new members.Formore information, please feel free to contact us at info at capitalpridesingers.org.
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