[Capdist-auditions] Tony Loves Trixie Improv Night - Fee Required

DANIEL TERELMES evildan at prodigy.net
Wed Apr 5 08:43:22 EDT 2023

>> Thursday, April 6th @ 7pm

>> Have you ever wanted to try Improv but didn’t know what to expect? Me too!
>> Tony Loves Trixie Improv Night is an improv troupe that meets at The Eden Cafe in Loudonville, NY.
>> (next to D’ Raymonds). 
>> This is Live Improv in a Real-Life Setting
>> Come down, tap into your inner creativity, and be part of the fun - or just sit back and watch the improv unfold. Who knows, YOU could become the next regular character in the “Tony Loves Trixie Show.”
>> Season 2 starts soon.
>> Open Improv on 1st Thurs of the month at 7pm.
>> Reserve your tickets today at Eventbrite.
>> Tickets $5.00/person - INCLUDES a coffee or tea of your choice.
>> https://fb.me/e/3nNhNm5cF
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