[Capdist-auditions] Evita - Still looking for men

David Rossi drossi20 at aol.com
Tue Apr 18 21:38:07 EDT 2023

NOT SO COMMON PLAYERS IS HAVING MAN TROUBLES!!!!!  We had a great first night of auditions for Evita and heard some really great talent!  Unfortunately, all of the men who promised us an audition found other dates!  
We are looking for some talented folks to play our male leads as well as the various roles in the ensemble. 
While we are not desperate for the love and attention - we will be flexible in the audition process.  We are auditioning Thursday evening OR you can  <>audition by special appointment.   We can also take auditions for any role by video - for those who may be enrolled in classes or enrolled in work!  The rehearsal process is short and will start in May for the ensemble - just in time for college students to finish those last exams!  The performances are June 9 - 18. 
Don't hesitate to reach out to David Rossi with any questions!
Thank you!
See the audition notice attached - and feel free to email, call, or text regarding special arrangements for auditions.  

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fVZ16OjDyzlpHGokP_Ql8Zn5luQl9wHlRGZ2bn_I9Ec/edit?usp=sharing <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fVZ16OjDyzlpHGokP_Ql8Zn5luQl9wHlRGZ2bn_I9Ec/edit?usp=sharing>
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