[Capdist-auditions] Call for Actors-Murder at Cherry Hill

Deborah Emmons-Andarawis deborah at historiccherryhill.org
Fri Aug 25 10:46:20 EDT 2023

*Historic Cherry Hill *is thrilled to announce that we will be holding
auditions for *“Murder at Cherry Hill,*” a dramatic tour exploring the true
story of a murder that took place at the historic site in 1827 through
storytelling and live actors. On May 7, 1827, Jesse Strang, a hired hand at
Cherry Hill, climbed onto the shed roof of the house and shot boarder John
Whipple through his bedroom window. Strang had been having an affair with
John Whipple’s wife, Elsie, a member of the elite Lansing and Van
Rensselaer families. The murder resulted in two sensational trials and
Albany’s last public hanging.

We are searching for an actor to portray *JESSE STRANG, *a hired hand at
Cherry Hill. Strang is in his late 20s-early 30s, a man of “good stock” who
became a drifter after faking his own death to escape gambling debts.

Rehearsals will be held in September with performances on October 12, 13,
14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26,27, 28. Performances will be split between two
actors who will serve as understudies for one another. An honorarium of
$200 will be offered.

Auditions will be held on September 5 at 7 PM. You will be asked to read a
selection from the script. Please email deborah at historiccherryhill.org if
you need to set up a different time.

Deborah Emmons-Andarawis
Executive Director
*Historic Cherry Hill* & *The Edward Frisbee Center for Collections &

*Historic house and mailing address*: 523 1/2 South Pearl Street, Albany,
NY 12202

*The Edward Frisbee Center for Collections & Research is located at the
rear end of Historic Cherry Hill's property and is directly accessible from
Cherry Hill Street (one block west of South Pearl Street).*

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