[Capdist-auditions] 72 Hour Film Competition For Catskill International Film Festival

Andrew Matthews matthewsandrew12 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 15:17:59 EDT 2023

I’m looking for a team of actors, writers and filmmakers who are interested
in participating in a 72 hour film competition.

The details are as follows:

Andrew Matthews, Actor & Writer

 The special theme, prop, and line to use will be announced on the website
and Facebook page on October 22 at 8 PM EST. You will then have 72 Hours to
brainstorm, write, shoot, and edit the projects before turning them in by
October 25 at 8 PM EST. Due to the nature of the event, late films cannot
be accepted.
All films will be screened both virtually and in-person for the closing
night at SUNY Sullivan on October 27.

I’m hoping that you can distribute this information on the email list
please and thank you
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