[Capdist-announce] Shenectady Civic Players Annual Meeting - June 15, 2009 - Monday

tomh823 at aol.com tomh823 at aol.com
Fri Jun 12 11:18:30 EDT 2009

Schenectady Civic Players annual meeting will be held on Monday, June 15, 2009 starting at 7:00 PM at the Playhouse, 12 South Church Street, Schenectady.??? Updates on this past seasons productions and projects will be presented as well as election of new board members and company members. All members are encouraged to come to the meeting or submit your proxy to the secretary or any other company member before the start of the meeting.? Other interested persons are also invited to attend and see what SCP is all about.? All members are ugered to attend or send in?voting Proxys with another member.? ?Please contact Tom Heckert with questions at Tomh823 at aol.com.

Refreshments will be served.. 

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