John Yost name5026 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 12 02:32:41 EDT 2008

hey guys, we're having a shoot at The Arts Center at the Capital Region in Troy on Sunday July 13th 7PM-10PM. We need extras for the three hours to be at the fence show.

here is the original call:
if you're around this Sunday, July 13th from 7pm-10pm we would love to
have you as an extra for the "Art Gallery" scene, which we are shooting
on location at the Arts Center of the Capital Region in downtown Troy,
NY. We welcome everyone, so feel free to invite some friends or come
with a group! If you'd like to join us, here's what you need to know:

- Please arrive promptly at 7pm. You may have to wait around a bit,
as that's the nature of filmmaking, but we can't have latecomers
interrupting a good take!

- Dress for a night out. The scene is
a gallery opening, so please dress nice, but comfortably. Avoid
clothing with logos or visible brand names and if possible, please keep
your wardrobe fairly neutral. You may look like a star in your hot red
dress, but we need to keep the focus on the main actors!

- Eat dinner first. We'll have plenty of snacks and beverages, but unfortunately we cannot provide everyone with a full meal.

Directions/Parking: http://www.artscenteronline.org/aboutus/directions.aspx

The Arts Center of the Capital Region
265 River Street, Troy, NY 12180

About the Film: http://www.thebraveandthekind.com

Please let me know if you have any questions at all. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Raeanne Wright, Assistant Director

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