[Capdist-auditions] "Critic"Readers Wanted for AIRBRAKE play

bettypieper at aol.com bettypieper at aol.com
Mon Jul 12 14:43:23 EDT 2010

   My interest in history and George Westinghouse
triggered two plays. One was read by Civic Players last Nov.
and I've since revised it based upon feedback there.
 It's presently titled By George with AIRBRAKE as an alternative title. 
It would take about an hour to read through. 
   The current form features limited characters and staging - something
that would be doable. But the story itself lends to big production
and a 'cast of thousands' which is one inherent dilemma.
My foremost dilemma, however, is whether this is a piece of
history (his story) or a viable theatre piece?  Can I make it both?
I want it to be good theatre not just good education.
 I'm open to experimental formats, but mostly want a good story
 and good drama. Any help is appreciated.
  Critical feedback is as welcome as suggestions. If you are
interested in helping, I can send a printed copy and would 
appreciate a time frame. Thanks.
Betty Pieper
BettyPieper at aol.com

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