[Capdist-auditions] Theater Project of Schoharie County auditions for "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Julia Walter juliaw at nycap.rr.com
Sat Jan 8 23:15:42 EST 2011

Please distribute widely!

The Theater Project of Schoharie County
announces AUDITIONS for
"Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird'" dramatized by Christopher Sergel
Auditions are
Sunday Jan 16 2:-5:, Tues Jan 18 6:- 9, callbacks Wed Jan 19 6:-9:
At Teen Town, 45 North Grand St, (x Elm St) Cobleskill
Production dates are:
April 15, 16 & 17
at Golding Middle School, Cobleskill.
Casting: all parts open.
Need 11 men, 6 women and extras
Two children (one girl, one boy) who are, or can play, 9-13 y/o, one boy 2 
years older, four African- American speaking roles, experience not required. 
Hoping to cast middle school- age students, high school students, college 
students & community members.
Julia Walter - directing.
If you have questions please call Julia at 234-9802 or juliaw at nycap.rr.com
The play is available from MVLS and very similar to the novel.

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