Singer, Iris (DOT) Iris.Singer at dot.ny.gov
Tue May 14 09:35:49 EDT 2013

Point of View Players are holding auditions for "THE PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE", a delightful comedy by Neil Simon, directed by Iris Singer, to be held at St. Sophia Greek Church on Whitehall Rd in Albany.  Auditions are 5/28-5/31 in the Cultural Room (park in back and take first right in door).  Rehearsals start June 10 and productions dates are September 6, 7,8.  Need:  2 males, ages 30's - 50's and 4 females, ages 30's - 50's.  The lead character of Mel needs to be a "Jack Lemmon" type of guy - neurotic, sarcastic and funny all at the same time!  For more information, call Iris at 366-6545 or via email.


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