[Capdist-auditions] Heathers Auditions Rescheduled! (Fee Required)
Lights Up Productions
lightsup_productions at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 18 18:18:23 EDT 2015
LightsUp Productions Teen ProductionHeathers the MusicalJanuary21-24, 2016 for 6 performances!
Pleasenote: For this production we will ONLY be accepting videosubmissions. Due to the mass amount of students inquiring aboutauditions we believe this is the most efficient way to complete thistask. Please note we will be double casting this production due tothe high volume of interest.
**Pleasereturn attached forms scanned with the video submission**
VideoAudition for actors/actresses ages 14 to 19 are due tolightsup_productions at yahoo.comby 5:00pm on Friday, August 21, casting will be announced no laterthen Sunday, August 23. Applicants should submit a vocal audition(16 measures of any Broadway song). NO ACCAPELLA AUDITIONS will bepermitted. Thetuition for this production is $200 per participant. Tuition is dueimmediately upon acceptance of role, a $25 Script Deposit is due uponcasting, this will be held as a deposit on your script until it isreturned erased at the end of the rehearsal process.Rehearsalswill be held on Wednesday's and Saturday's commencing November 19(rehearsals will pick up as the show gets closer). Vacations will bepermitted for Holidays, however, only 2 illegal absences are allowedduring the process.Pleasesee the second page of this posting for a character breakdown.
VERONICASAWYER - She burns to be both cool and kind, but doesn’t know yethow to be both at the same time. Fierce sense of right and wrong,keen sense of ironic humor. Thinks she's an old soul, but she's stillinnocent enough to be blindsided by love/hormones (or shocked bycruelty). Voice: High belting required, up to Ab. Must have dynamicand stylistic range.
JD - He is darkly charismatic,compelling, attractive, charming on the outside yet very damaged onthe inside. Keen smarts and strong inventive comedy. Voice:Strong, confident belt to at least an Ab, A preferable; wideemotional range.
HEATHER CHANDLER - Richest, hottest, mostmagnetic, cruelest girl in town. Relishes power and wields it like ascalpel – no fear, no patience, no mercy. Voice: Strong beltto F or higher preferred. Mezzo for chorus.
HEATHERMCNAMARA - Beautiful, innocent, stupid, can be mean on command ifHeather Chandler orders it, but actually quite vulnerable andfearful. Voice: Strong belt to Db, D preferred. Soprano for chorus.
HEATHER DUKE - Whipping-girl of the 3 Heathers. When shefinally becomes Queen Bee she wields power like a bulldozer. Alto forchorus. Voice: Strong belt to C, D preferred. Alto forchorus.
MARTHA DUNNSTOCK - Nicknamed “Martha Dumptruck”,the opposite of hot, confident, or popular. Huge and beautiful soul,optimistic even in the face of rejection. Voice: Strong belt to E orF, wide vocal expression.
RAM SWEENEY - Linebacker. Big,insensitive to the feelings of others, ruled by appetites. Voice:Strong Baritone, belt toG, some Falsetto useful.
KURT KELLY -Quarterback and Captain. Big, chiseled, rude, entitled, cocky. Mean,thinks he’s the brains in the friendship with Ram. Voice: Tenor,strong belt to Ab or A, some Falsetto. NOTE: in certain songsRam and Kurt can switch choral assignment if, say, Ram sings higherthan Kurt.
BOY 1 - Bitter Geek 15-18. A put-upon, bitter geek.Voice: Bari (up to F#) or Tenor (up to A).
BOY 2 - BlowdriedPreppy 15-18. A blowdried 80’s preppy. Voice: Bass (up to E) orBari (up to G#).
BOY 3 - Hipster Dork 15-18. Thinks he’sDucky from ‘Pretty In Pink.’ Voice: Bari (up to F#) or Tenor (upto A).
GIRL 1 - Goth Girl 15-18. A sullen goth girl. Voice:Belt to at least C# (a Soprano up to high A/B is also a plus).
GIRL2 - Stoner Chick 15-18. A fuzzyheaded stoner chick. Voice: Belt to atleast C# (a Soprano up to high A/B is also a plus).
GIRL 3 -Young Republicanette 15-18. A tennis-playing, uptight Student Counciltype. Voice: Belt to at least C# (Soprano up to high A/B is also aplus).
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