[Capdist-auditions] Drums Along the Mohawk OD seeking one more role

Kyle Jenks jaktar773 at aol.com
Thu Jul 16 08:09:58 EDT 2015

July 16, 2015
BenedictArnold: Plays 35. Devoted patriot. Highlycompetent and confident but not arrogant.

This character appears in two scenes in Act 2.

The year is 1777. This country’s most famous traitor beganhis career as George Washington’s favorite fighting general and was one of ourmost ardent patriots. The motives behind his actions between the years 1777 and1780 have been debated for centuries now. In our story he plays a pivotal rolein bringing about one of the most famous events in world history: The surrenderof the British at Saratoga on October 17, 1777.
Performance dates:
·        Sat/Sun August 1st and 2ndat 5 pm
·        Sat/Sun August 8th and 9that 5 pm
Performance venue:
Gelston Castle Estate
980 Robinson Road
Mohawk, NY 13407
Rehearsal locations:
Amsterdam United Methodist Church
347 Golf Course Road
Amsterdam, NY 12010
Gelston Castle Estate
980 Robinson Road
Mohawk, NY 13407
Dress rehearsal Friday July 31st, 2015 at GelstonCastle Estate.
Remaining rehearsals:
·        Friday July 17, 2015: 7-9 pm: Amsterdam UnitedMethodist Church
·        Sunday July 19, 2015: 4-7 pm: Gelston CastleEstate
·        Wed. July 22, 2015 7-9 pm: Amsterdam UnitedMethodist Church
·        Friday July 24, 2015: 7-9 pm: Amsterdam UnitedMethodist Church
·        Sunday July 26, 2015: 4-7 pm: Gelston CastleEstate
·        Monday July 27, 2015: 7-9 pm: Run show:
·        Wed. July 29, 2015: 7-9 pm: Run Show: AmsterdamUnited Methodist Church
·        Thurs. July 30, 2015: 7-9 pm: Run Show: AmsterdamUnited Methodist Church
·        Friday July 31, 2015 7-9 pm Run Show- GelstonCastle Estate
Saturday Aug. 1st, 2015: Performance: Call time3:30 pm- 5 pm curtain
Saturday Aug. 2nd, 2015: Performance: Call time 3:30 pm-5pm curtain
Saturday Aug. 8th, 2015: Performance: Call time 3:30 pm-5pm curtain
Saturday Aug. 9th, 2015: Performance: Call time 3:30 pm-5pm curtain
Please contact Kyle Jenks at 216 509 7502 or kylejenks at datmod.com for details.


Kyle Jenks
Writer / Producer / Director

Drums Along the Mohawk Outdoor Drama 
by Walter D. Edmonds

Gelston Castle Estate
980 Robinson Road 
Mohawk, NY 13407


[216] 509-7502
2015 Performance Dates
Sat/Sun Aug 1/2        5 pm
Sat/Sun Aug 8/9        5 pm
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan but also believe"
Anatole France
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