[Capdist-auditions] TANYS Festival 2017-2018 in the Capdist

Joel Lord jpl at ilk.org
Sat Jan 16 14:45:53 EST 2016

It is the desire of the TANYS Board of Directors to bring the Theatre 
Association of New York State Annual Festival to the Capital District 
for 2017 and 2018.

Some very preliminary discussions have been started with a potential 
venue for the Festival, but at this time we need the group of people who 
would run the Festival.  All positions are available:

Most critically:
Festival Chair
Festival Technical Director

To be filled once a Chair is in place:
Banquet Coordinator
Adjudicator Liaison
Vendor Liaison
(non-Banquet) Food Coordinator
Opening Night Reception
Silent Auction
More as determined by the Chair

To be filled once a TD is in place:
Stage Manager
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Stage Crew (2?)

What is the TANYS Festival?
The Annual Festival is an entire weekend of theatre, bringing together 
the best community, college, and possibly high school productions from 
around the state.  Over the course of the weekend there will be 7-10 
productions, several workshops, and a banquet at which all of the TANYS 
Adjudicators' awards from the year will be presented.  Bringing a show 
to the Festival is quite a rush, but hosting the Festival and assisting 
with bringing 9 shows across the stage in less than 48 hours is simply 
amazing.  As a state member of the American Association of Community 
Theatres (AACT), TANYS's adjudication and Festival programs lead to the 
potential of taking productions to the Eastern States Theatre 
Association (ESTA) and AACT Festivals, and possibly even to 
International competitions.

What is TANYS?
TANYS is a nonprofit member organization whose mission is to promote the 
growth and quality of community and academic theatre in New York State.  
We offer trained adjudication services to member companies, sponsor the 
State Theatre Festival, and conduct workshops at various locations 
throughout the year.

Joel Lord
TANYS Board of Directors, Member-at-Large

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