[Capdist-auditions] 2 Roles-Ages 11 to Young Adult

Cheryl Charbonneau ccharbo at live.com
Sat May 14 16:09:33 EDT 2016

We are seeking two more cast members for a fun new show.Schenectady Theater for Children--Traveling TroupeAuditions by appointment,STC  Studio in Via Port Rotterdam (Formerly known as Rotterdam Square Mall)Auditions Open to ages 11+  (Pre-Teens. Teens and Young Adults)NO FEE!No monologues required. Auditions will consist of readings from the script.Rehearsal Dates and Times TBDThis is a traveling show.We will be performing at various venues in and around the Capital District. Here are the dates.Currently Scheduled PerformancesWed. July 13th--MorningSaturday, July 16th--AfternoonTuesday, July 19th--EveningThursday, August 4th--MorningTuesday, August 9th--Afternoon
For more info or to arrange an audition, please call or emailCheryl Charbonneau, STC Teen Program Coordinatorccharbo at live.com518-355-6694
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