[Capdist-auditions] Albany's Longest Running Original Play Festival Needs Light and Sound Ops

Confetti Stage confettistageinc at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 23:03:19 EDT 2016

UPDATE: Any volunteers for these positions would also have to attend tech
week rehearsals, beginning on Saturday, October 1st and Sunday October 2nd
at 9:30 AM, and also Monday October 3rd - Thursday October 6th at 6:30 PM
before opening night. Ops are called at 6:30 PM before evening shows and 1
PM before matinees.


Stephen Henel
Vice President Confetti Stage, Inc.

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 8:26 PM, Confetti Stage <confettistageinc at gmail.com>

> Confetti Stage, Inc., downtown Albany's sole provider of community
> theater, is looking for a light board operator and a sound board operator
> for its annual original works play festival, Confetti Fest.
> Confetti Stage has made a name for itself producing some of the best short
> original work in New York's capital region, and this year is no different.
> Confetti Fest 12 will present five original one-act plays that explore
> mortality, immortality, parasitic worms, and bad first dates.
> The Plays:
> *Death of a Hamster*- John, an unlikely modern Orpheus, finds himself,
> quite literally, at death's door, making one last Hail-Mary to save a small
> dead rodent.
> By Kate Carter, directed by Patricia Keister, with
> Kasey Kenyon and Talon McLaughlin
> *Survivor's Date*- Cecilia and Phillip are world weary singles,
> battle-scarred, and bitter as cheap gin. Is Alaska the only place they can
> find common ground?
> By Val Kavanaugh, directed by Matthew Teichner, with
> Anna Guntner and Joe Plock
> *The Girl With Wings*- Why can't the people Cassie loves see her wings?
> What happens when they finally do?
> By Julie Demers, directed by Tony Pallone, with
> Lydia Nightingale, Keith Searles, Roseann Cane, Monica Murphy, and Keyonn
> Everett
> *Symbiosis*- Sometimes love is never having to say I'm sorry. Sometimes
> love is never having to say I'm sorry there's a parasite crawling up the
> inside of your leg.
> By Amy Sarah Lamena, directed by David Braucher, with
> Peter Balencia, Barb Davis, and Daniel Mayer
> *Funny Voices*- Larry was a voice-over actor. His personality had as many
> facets as he had funny voices. Now, after his passing, his two children
> attempt to piece those facets together, and form something aproaching the
> heroic cartoon captain for which he's best remembered.
> By Steve Henel, directed by Mark Dalton, with
> Corey Haines, Colleen Lovett, David DiPaola, and John A. Nickles
> The festival begins Friday, October 7th, Saturday October 8th, Thursday,
> October 13th, Friday, October 14th, and Saturday, October 15th at 7:30 PM,
> and two Sunday matinees on October 9th and October 16th at 2PM. We are in
> the midst of rehearsals now, but production meetings will be every Sunday
> at 3PM until tech week. We would ask that our operators make every attempt
> to attend these meetings. Any interested parties should reach us by email
> at confettistageinc at gmail.com or sghenel at gmail.com.
> Thank you!
> --
> Confetti Stage, Inc
> www.confettistage.org
> https://www.facebook.com/ConfettiStageInc
> Please join us for our upcoming production of *William Shakespeare's The
> Comedy of Errors*, outdoors in the gardens of *Ten Broeck Mansion* from * August
> 5-14*!

Confetti Stage, Inc
Please join us for our upcoming production of *William Shakespeare's The
Comedy of Errors*, outdoors in the gardens of *Ten Broeck Mansion*
from * August
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