[Capdist-auditions] YAG at the EGG - New Programming! - Fee Required

Mary D'Amico bestyagever at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 11:01:00 EST 2017

The Award Winning Young Actors Guild of the Capital Region is one of the
areas longest running performing arts programs for children, now in our
28the year.  We are currently accepting registration for our new
programming at the Egg!  We will be holding our first program on Tuesday
Evenings from 6 - 8pm, beginning March 21st, for Students ages 7 - 13.
This introductory program will focus on Acting, Music and Dance.  For
registration or further information please email Mary D'Amico at
bestyagever at gmail.com.  youngactorsguildcapitalregion.org
See attached flyer!
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