[Capdist-auditions] Casting for extras on Jan. 31st - TV Commercial Shoot

Alex Tancredi alex.tancredi at overit.com
Tue Jan 23 14:52:49 EST 2018

To whom it may concern,

Please send out the following message to your database of actors:

"Overit is seeking background actors for a TV commercial for addiction
prevention/treatment. A diverse group of 40 actors, aged 18-65 is needed,
no prior acting experience required.

The shoot will be on January 31st from 10am-4pm at the Washington Avenue
Armory in Albany, NY, Pay is $50.

Actors will be a part of a background crowd that represents the support
network (friends, family, classmates, and colleagues) of an individual
struggling with addiction and not realizing the level of support he/she had
around them."

If you have any questions please email either myself or Paul Fahey, at
paul.fahey at overit.com


Alex Tancredi


*Alex Tancredi*
*Business Development Associate*
p: 518.465.8829 x255  m: 201.661.1686
a: 435 New Scotland Ave, Albany, NY 12208
w: overit.com  e: alex.tancredi at overit.com <alex.tancredi at overit.com>
<https://www.facebook.com/overitmedia>   <https://twitter.com/overit>
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