[Capdist-auditions] Last master class of the season! fee required

Grace Janiszewski gjaniszewski at proctors.org
Wed May 23 09:50:23 EDT 2018

 Train with Broadway professionals at the School of the Performing Arts at Proctors and theREP!

Our last master class of the season! Work with a member from the cast of On Your Feet! tour broadway show, Michelle Alves, to learn some expert dance moves to throw into any combination.

On Your Feet! – Dance: Latin
4:30 – 6 p.m. Friday, June 1 REGISTER NOW<https://tickets.proctors.org/TheatreManager/95/tmEvent/tmEvent10408.html>!

Ages: 12 & up
Tuition: $40

More information and registration at: school.proctors.org/broadway-master-classes/<https://school.proctors.org/broadway-master-classes/>

To register over the phone call: 518-382-3884 x 139.

Stay up on the latest at School of the Performing Arts<https://www.facebook.com/ProctorsEducation/>, like our page!

Grace Janiszewski

Creative Workforce Manager

School of the Performing Arts<http://school.proctors.org> at Proctors and theREP

432 State Street Schenectady, NY 12305

518-382-3884 x 150

gjaniszewski at proctors.org

Proctors<http://proctors.org>|Capital Repertory Theatre<http://capitalrep.org>|Universal Preservation Hall<http://www.universalpreservationhall.org/>
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