[Capdist-auditions] NYS Defender Auditions: Paid

markdaltondefenders at verizon.net markdaltondefenders at verizon.net
Wed Mar 27 12:22:55 EDT 2019

To The List Administrator:
Please Post the following:
The New York State Defenders Association seeks actors to play witnesses in its Basic Trial Skills Program, which will be held June 8-14 2019.
The Client:  Bobby Jones, male, 25-35, angry and isolated.  Can be African-American, Latino or white.
Construction workers: male, 22-40, rowdy, coarse and tough.  White.

Detective Derek:  Seasoned cop, 35-50.  Can be male or female of any race or ethnicity.
Detailed information is available at:

Mark DaltonCasting DirectorNYS Defenders BTSP
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