[Capdist-auditions] Arbor Hill Community Chorus meets twice monthly - Join Us! Rehearsals begin July 27th. [FREE TO ATTEND]

Rob Weber rob at robwebersvocalstudio.com
Mon Jul 18 13:15:19 EDT 2022

Hey singers of all levels! 

 	* Have you been itching to sing with a group, but don't know if there
is something to join in your community?

	* Do you sing in a church or temple choir, but also want to sing in
another setting?
 	* Do you love to sing, regardless of your experience or level of

   Be part of a new choir, forming in Albany, NY this summer. The Arbor
Hill Community Chorus will meet twice monthly (Usually on the 2nd and
4th Wednesdays of each month) from 6:15 to 7:45 PM at the Albany Barn,
at 52 2nd St. 

- The chorus will be FREE to attend and sing. (Donations to the Albany
Barn will be appreciated). 

   The Arbor Hill Community Chorus will be music directed by Rob Weber.
The chorus will sing material in two, three, and four part style. Both
secular (popular) and sacred music will be sung. While no performances
are scheduled yet, the chorus will always rehearse as if preparing for
performance. Some songs will include solo performances. Ultimately, it
is the goal to do performances that raise monies for local charities. 

NO COMMITMENT is required to sing with the chorus. Show up when you want
and join us in the fun. 

Join the chorus's FB group: 
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1237371887069395  . There is a FB event
page for the first rehearsal:
https://www.facebook.com/events/692964818655011?ref=newsfeed . Please
indicate your intention to attend there. Or feel free to contact Rob
Weber at Rob at RobWebersVocalStudio.com. 

- If you can't come to the first rehearsal, we hope to see you soon!! 

Upcoming rehearsal schedule: 

Wednesday July 27th - 6:15-7:45 PM
Wednesday August 10th 
Wednesday August 24th
Wednesday Sept 28th
Wednesday Oct 5th
Wednesday Oct 25th
Wednesday Nov 9th
Wednesday Dec 14th
Wednesday Dec 28th
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