[Capdist-auditions] Actors/ BIPOC

Deborah Faust dfaust at mhanys.org
Tue Sep 5 08:31:30 EDT 2023

The Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. (MHANYS) is looking
to hire Actors for the filming of two Role-play Scenarios to be used for
educational training purposes – Small Stipend

MHANYS CarePath™ Program suggests our health and wellbeing is not in
isolation of others and family and community health is a protective factor
for supporting others.

The 1st role play consists of the first meeting between a MHANYS CarePath™
Coach  and a father and his son and daughter. All three individuals are
going to learn about the program.

The 2nd role-play will demonstrate a support group using the exercises in
the CarePath program.

There are three roles to fill:

The CarePath™ Coach – (25-70 years of age)

1. Jessie (father 40-60 years of age),

2. Jane – (daughter 20-30 yrs of age)

3. John- (son 16-23 years of age)- filled

 Please check out the MHANYS CarePath™ Program webpage at
https://mhanys.org/products/carepath/ for further information about the

Each actor will receive a stipend for $200 consisting of one day of filming
from 10- 4pm.

Please email Deb Faust at dfaust at mhanys.org  or Meg Spagnola at
Mspagnola at mhanys.org

 if you are interested in learning more about participating in this project.

Thank you


Deborah Faust


Director of Mental Health Community Partners &

MHANYS CarePath™

Mental Health Community Partners | CarePath™

Mental Health Association in New York State

(518) 434-0439 x 221 | mhcommunitypartners.org


Follow us online: MHANYS.org <http://www.mhanys.org/>

Facebook: @MHAacrossNYS <https://www.facebook.com/MHAacrossNYS>

Twitter: @MHAacrossNYS <https://twitter.com/MHAacrossNYS>
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