[Capdist-auditions] Dual Voices Theatre - Auditions for OUTA

New Russia Cultural Center tdeptola at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 19:01:23 EST 2024

Dual Voices Theatre

AUDITIONS for Once Upon on a Time in Anatevka

Play is *based on Sholem Aleihem story ”Tevie-the Milkman”*

Producer: New Russia Cultural Center

Director: Andrei Kouznetsov-Maestro

Starts reh: Jan. 5, 2024, Closes: March 6 2024

Reh schedule: Friday-Monday accommodating work schedules.

Performances: Thurs-Sunday, Thurs-Sat 7:00PM; Sun 3PM, March 7-10 2024.

Synopsis: The play captured the essence of Jewish life in Eastern Europe in
the early 20th century. Tevye and his wife, Golda, have five daughters.
Tevye's main concern is finding suitable husbands for his daughters, but he
also grapples with the changing times and the challenges faced by the
Jewish community.


(3) Male-presenting, 20s to mid 30s;

(4-5) children (boys and girls) about 10-11 years old.

TO AUDITION: Location: Dreamlight Studio at the Rotterdam Mall located at
93 W. Campbell Rd Schenectady. Please come to meet director Andrey
Kuznetsov on Friday Jan 5 at 6pm or send resume and headshot to
*info at newrussiacenter.org
<info at newrussiacenter.org>*.
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