[Capdist-auditions] FW: Please post this concert casting immediately, thanks

Corine Salon csalon at nycap.rr.com
Thu Jan 27 12:13:16 EST 2011


Now Casting Singers for a Concert Version in English of an Original Russian

Two performances May 21 & 22 at 4 pm College of St Rose


The Albany Tula Alliance is hosting a composer/actress from Russia who has
written a musical, "The Road to Paradise" to be produced in two performances
on May 21 and 22 at 4:00 pm at St Rose in St Joseph's Hall.  They are
casting good singers, high school or older, for two one-hour and 15 minute
concerts sung in English with an orchestrated CD accompaniment.  The musical
is an allegory, a modern fairy tale story with some tongue-in-cheek humor.
Local artist and television newswoman Benita Zahn will narrate the story


Auditions: Friday Feb 4,  4 to 6 pm,  Sunday Feb 6,  2 to 5 in Schenectady
at Union Presbyterian Church

1068 Park Ave.  (Entrance is behind the church on Wendell Ave. off of Union
Street not on Union.)


Depending on the part you are auditioning for, sheet music will be e mailed
along with the sound track of the songs with vocals for the audition.  You
may also bring music from a Broadway show.

This is a fundraising performance for the Albany Tula Alliance - no
compensation is available. 

Please send resume by email or contact Music Director Corine Salon for more
audition information.


Corine Salon, 1151 Lowell Road, Schenectady 12308

518 346-9060

 <mailto:csalon at nycap.rr.com> csalon at nycap.rr.com 



All singers should be able to memorize their parts in English on their own
with the help of a CD sung in Russian and the sheet music in English to
shorten the rehearsal period.  

All singers will be expected to attend rehearsals as follows: Sunday
afternoons TBD with the cast throughout the months of Feb into May, @3-5 in
Schenectady at Union Presbyterian Church, 1068 Park Ave.(Entrance is behind
the church in the middle of Wendell Ave.)

                Final week of rehearsals in Schenectady May 14 & 15 3 - 5
pm, & 16 to 18 as needed after 4 pm

    Final dress rehearsal is Friday May 20 at St Rose in St Joseph's Hall
from 4 to 8 pm


The Parts: 

This is a contemporary up-beat style of music. Vocal range is mid range for
most voices and there is very little harmony.

The ensemble sings a lot in this concert and there are solo lines

Parts are:

Rene:                    The young King   tenor 

Audrey:                Young women/girl mezzo or soprano

Chancellor:         Bass

Witch:                   Alto

Archangel            Bass 

Ensemble of Angels:     young girls /women, or boy sopranos, has comic words

Ensemble of University Students:  young men singing in a tavern

Towns folks:     uses everyone, has solo lines for voice types low and high

Greek Chorus   uses everyone, has solo lines also for ensemble members






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