[Capdist-auditions] The Wizard of Oz Auditions - Students - Fee Required

Master Class Performing Arts masterclassperformingarts at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 09:57:34 EDT 2021


Auditions for actors and actresses are scheduled for *Saturday, August 21
beginning at 9am* at Hope Lutheran Church, 470 Winter Street, Troy.
Applicants should come prepared to perform 32 measures of any Broadway
song, and complete a cold reading from the script.  An accompanist will not
be available, please bring an appropriate backing track.  NO ACAPELLA
Auditions will be permitted.

*SAFETY PROTOCOL FOR AUDITIONS:*  In order to ensure the safety of our
audition panel and performers we will be asking anyone interested in
auditioning to email us to sign up for a time slot (
masterclassperformingarts at gmail.com).  Each time slot is 15 minutes - 10
minutes for the audition and 5 minutes to disinfect the area.  Prior to
entering the theatre performers will be subject to a temperature check and
asked to sanitize at the sanitization station.  Any performer with a
temperature exceeding 100 degrees will be asked to leave for the safety of
all involved.  Performers will be asked to wear a mask until they are in
the designated audition location.  At this time they can remove the mask to
perform.  Once they have finished their audition they are asked to put the
mask back on and exit the building.  The next performer will not be
permitted to enter the building until their allotted time slot.

*PLEASE NOTE: Specific COVID safety protocol for rehearsals, performances,
and audience has been created based on the guidance from the DOH and is
available by request. *

MCPA is looking for Disabled and Non-Disabled Black, Asian, Native, Latino,
Arab, White, and Multi-Racial male or female-identifying performers for all

*Performance Dates: * November 19 & 20
*In-Person Rehearsal Times:*  Saturday Mornings at Hope Church.
*Tuition:  *$300.00
*Ages:*  5 - 18

Thank you!

Visit our website at www.masterclassperformingarts.com
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Follow us on Instagram @masterclassperformingarts
Thank you for your continued support!
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